Thursday, May 2, 2019

Day Four: Exploration Springfield

Hello from Springfield!

The day started off with a hot breakfast at the hotel, and then we embarked on our adventure for the day! First stop: The Old State Capitol. Here, we toured the different rooms and truly soaked up the rich history. Next, we were greeted at the Illinois State Military Museum by Veterans of the Vietnam War. They talked about the different equipment that a soldier wore and used during the war. One of the Veteran's names was Snowman- the kids found that pretty cool. We eventually made our way upstairs where we inquired the military weapons used during the different wars in American History.

After the Military Museum, we went to the bustling New State Capitol building. The Capitol had a lot of different events going on today. For starters the Senate was in Session, so there were lots of people hustling around the building. Also, there was a memorial service going on for a fallen police officer.
Still, we were able to receive a tour, sit in the gallery of the House, and get a picture taken on the floor of the Senate.

Finally, before departing for St. Louis for the evening, we made our last two stops: the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum and Library and the Lincoln Family Visitor Center. At both stops, we learned about Lincoln's life before and during the White House. The students are not leaving Springfield without truly recognizing that we do indeed live in the Land of Lincoln.


  1. Everyone looks like they’re having a great time and learning so much about their state, the land of Lincoln !!

  2. What an amazing opportunity for your students! Have a safe trip and enjoy every minute of it!
